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Normas BSI – AENOR
BS EN 17666:2022

BS EN 17666:2022

Maintenance. Maintenance engineering. Requirements

2022-12-08 /Definitive
Idiomas Disponibles:
Equivalencias internacionales:

EN 17666

Relación con otras normas BSI:
This document specifies the maintenance engineering discipline throughout the entire life cycle. This document gives guidance on how maintenance engineering can contribute to the assurance of required dependability to achieve a sustainable balance between performance, risk and costs. This document refers to standards that further describe detailed methods and techniques. This document does not give guidance on how to set up systems and infrastructure for maintenance engineering nor does it include guidance on software maintenance. NOTE 1 For software components of an item, the maintenance activities are covered in ISO/IEC/IEEE 14764 [54]. NOTE 2 The overall maintenance process is covered by EN 17007 [10].
Idioma Formato

Formato digital

Nota: Precios sin IVA ni gastos de envío

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