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Normas IEC internacionales electrotécnicas - AENOR
IEC 61158-3-1:2007

IEC 61158-3-1:2007

Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-1: Data-link layer service definition - Type 1 elements

2007-12-14 /Anulada
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Resumen (inglés):
It provides common elements for basic time-critical messaging communications between devices in an automation environment. The term "time-critical" is used to represent the presence of a time-window, within which one or more specified actions are required to be completed with some defined level of certainty. Failure to complete specified actions within the time window risks failure of the applications requesting the actions, with attendant risk to equipment, plant and possibly human life. It includes the following significant changes with respect to the previous edition deletion of the former Type 6 fieldbus, and the placeholder for a Type 5 fieldbus data-link layer, for lack of market relevance; addition of new types of fieldbuses; division of this part into multiple parts numbered.
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