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Normas IEC internacionales electrotécnicas - AENOR
IEC 60534-1:2023 RLV

IEC 60534-1:2023 RLV

Industrial-process control valves - Part 1: Control valve terminology and general considerations

2023-05-23 /Vigente
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Resumen (inglés):
IEC 60534-1:2023 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition.

IEC 60534-1:2023 applies to all types of industrial-process control valves (hereinafter referred to as control valves). This document establishes a partial basic terminology list and provides guidance on the use of all other parts of IEC 60534.
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