This European Standard defines the specifications and test methods for the construction, safety, rational use of energy and fitness for purpose, environment and classification and marking of gas-fired storage water heaters for domestic hot water uses, hereafter called "appliance". This standard applies to appliances : of types B11, B11BS, C11, C21 and C31; fitted with atmospheric burners; using one or more combustible gases corresponding to the three gas families and the pressures indicated in EN 437; of nominal heat input not exceeding 150 kW (net calorific value); using or not the water condensation heat in the combustion products; appliances whether subject to the water mains pressure or open-circuit. This standard does not contain all the requirements necessary for: - appliances fitted with a fan on the combustion circuit; - appliances intended to be connected to a mechanical means of evacuating the combustion products; - appliances which fulfill a dual role of space heating and heating water for domestic hot water use; - appliances with a combustion products discharge safety device other than that for type B11BS appliances; - appliances with electrical combustion products discharge orifice closure device downstream of the heat exchanger fitted to type B appliances and tested as an integral part of the appliance.
La présente norme européenne définit les exigences et les techniques d'essai relatives à la construction, la sécurité, l'utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie, l'aptitude à la fonction, l'environnement, la classification et le marquage des appareils de production d'eau chaude par accumulation pour usages sanitaires utlisant les combustibles gazeux, appelés ci-après "appareil".
Die vorliegende europäische Norm legt die Anforderungen und die Prüfverfahren hinsichtlich der Konstruktion, der Sicherheit, des wirtschaftlichen Energieeinsatzes und der Gebrauchsgüte der Umweltbelastung sowie die Einteilung und Kennzeichnung von gasbeheizten Vorrats-Wasserheizern für den sanitären Bereich (nachfolgend Wasserheizer genannt) fest.