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Normas CEN – AENOR
EN 10106:2007

EN 10106:2007

Cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip delivered in the fully processed state

Bandes et tôles magnétiques en acier à grains non orientés laminées à froid et livrées à l'état fini

Kaltgewalztes nicht kornorientiertes Elektroblech und -band im schlussgeglühten Zustand

Fecha Anulación:
2015-10-28 / Withdrawn
Relación con otras normas CEN:

Es reemplazada por: EN 10106:2015

This European Standard specifies the grades of cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel sheet and strip in nominal thicknesses of 0,35 mm, 0,50 mm, 0,65 mm and 1,00 mm. In particular, it specifies general requirements, the magnetic properties, geometric characteristics and tolerances, technological characteristics as well as the inspection procedure. This European Standard applies to materials supplied in the fully annealed condition intended for the construction of magnetic circuits. It does not apply to semi-processed material. These magnetic materials correspond to C. of IEC 60404-1:2000.

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