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Número de resultados: 795
UNE-EN ISO 11670:2004/AC:2005
Láseres y equipos asociados a los láseres. Métodos de ensayo de los parámetros del haz láser. Estabilidad posicional del haz. (ISO 11670:2003 /Cor.1:2004).
UNE-EN 61947-1:2003
Proyección electrónica. Medición y documentación de los criterios de funcionamiento principales. Parte 1: Proyectores de resolución fija.
UNE-EN 61947-2:2002
Proyección electrónica. Medición y documentación de los criterios de funcionamiento principales. Parte 2: Proyectores de resolución variable.
DIN 58743:2024-10
Production in optical engineering - Diamond impregnated discs
DIN ISO 9022-2:2024-10
Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 2: Cold, heat and humidity (ISO 9022-2:2015 + Amd 1:2023)
DIN ISO 9022-4:2024-10
Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 4: Salt mist (ISO 9022-4:2014 + Amd 1:2023)
DIN EN ISO 13695:2024-09
Optics and photonics - Lasers and laser-related equipment - Test methods for the spectral characteristics of lasers (ISO/FDIS 13695:2024); German and English version prEN ISO 13695:2024 / Note: Date of issue 2024-08-23*Intended as replacement for DIN EN ISO 13695 (2004-09).
DIN ISO 9211-2:2024-09
Optics and photonics - Optical coatings - Part 2: Optical properties (ISO 9211-2:2024); Text in German and English / Note: Date of issue 2024-07-26*Intended as replacement for DIN ISO 9211-2 (2012-11).
DIN ISO 9211-1:2024-08
Optics and photonics - Optical coatings - Part 1: Vocabulary (ISO 9211-1:2024); Text in German and English / Note: Date of issue 2024-07-19*Intended as replacement for DIN ISO 9211-1 (2020-07).
DIN ISO 10109:2024-07
Optics and photonics - Guidance for the selection of environmental tests (ISO 10109:2024); Text in German and English / Note: Date of issue 2024-06-21*Intended as replacement for DIN ISO 10109 (2015-12).
DIN ISO 9022-23:2024-07
Optics and photonics - Environmental test methods - Part 23: Low pressure combined with cold, ambient temperature and dry or damp heat (ISO 9022-23:2023); Text in German and English / Note: Date of issue 2024-06-14*Intended as replacement for DIN ISO 9022-23 (2016-12).
DIN 58741-5:2024-06
Production in optical engineering - Diamond impregnated cup wheels - Part 5: Electroplated