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Número de resultados: 377
UNE-EN IEC 62368-3:2020
Equipos de audio y vídeo, de tecnología de la información y la comunicación. Seguridad. Parte 3: Transferencia de energía de corriente continua a través de cables o puertos de comunicación (Ratificada por la Asociación Española de Normalización en mayo de 2020.)
UNE-EN 62018:2004
Consumo de energía de los equipos de tecnología de la información. Métodos de medición.
IEC 62018:2003
Power consumption of information technology equipment - Measurement methods
ASTM D5740 - 18
Standard Guide for Writing Material Standards in the Classification D4000 Format
NF ISO 9296
Acoustique - Valeurs déclarées d'émission acoustique des équipements liés aux technologies de l'information et aux télécommunications
NF EN 60745-2-16
Outils électroportatifs à moteur - Sécurité - Partie 2-16 : règles particulières pour les agrafeuses
NF E55-001
Vocabulaire - Chapitre 1 - Termes fondamentaux.
UNE-EN 50643:2019/A1:2021
Aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos domésticos y de oficina. Medición del consumo de energía en espera en red de equipos periféricos.
UNE-EN 50643:2019
CLC/TS 62441:2012
Safeguards against accidentally caused candle flame ignition for audio/video, communication and information technology equipment
ISO/IEC TR 22981:2020
Information technology — Office equipment — Guidelines for the development of an ontology (vocabulary, components and relationships) for office equipment
ISO/IEC 10779:2020
Information technology — Office equipment — Accessibility guidelines for older persons and persons with disabilities
ISO/IEC 21118:2020
Information technology — Office equipment — Information to be included in specification sheets for data projectors
ISO/IEC 24700:2005
Quality and performance of office equipment that contains reused components
ISO 2257:1980
Office machines and printing machines used for information processing — Widths of fabric printing ribbons on spools
ISO 1730:1980
Dictation equipment — Basic operating requirements
ISO 4882:1979
Office machines and data processing equipment — Line spacings and character spacings
ISO 3866:1977
Office machines and printing machines used for information processing — Widths of fabric printing ribbons on spools exceeding 19 mm
ISO 3883:1977
Office machines — Line and character capacity of address masters
ISO 2775:1977
Office machines and printing machines used for information processing — Widths of one-time paper or plastic printing ribbons and marking to indicate the end of the ribbons
ISO 2258:1976
Printing ribbons — Minimum markings to appear on containers
ISO 3791:1976
Office machines and data processing equipment — Keyboard layouts for numeric applications
ISO 3540:1976
Paper or plastic printing ribbons — Characteristics of cores
IEC TS 62441:2011
Safeguards againts accidentally caused candle flame ignition for audio/video, communication and information technology equipment