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Número de resultados: 573
UNE-ISO 9277:2009
Determinación del área superficial específica de los sólidos mediante la adsorción de gas utilizando el método BET.
UNE 7050-4:1997
Tamices y tamizado de ensayo. Parte 4: Exigencias técnicas y verificación de tamices de chapa perforada.
UNE 7060-1:1997
Representación de resultados obtenidos por análisis granulométrico. Parte 1: Representación gráfica.
UNE 7050-5:1997
Tamices y tamizado de ensayo. Parte 5: Exigencias técnicas y verificaciones de los tamices de ensayo en láminas electroformadas.
UNE 7050-3:1997
Tamices y tamizado de ensayo. Parte 3: Exigencias técnicas y verificaciones de los tamices de ensayo de tela metálica.
UNE 7050-1:1997
Tamices y tamizado de ensayo. Parte 1: Vocabulario.
UNE 7050-2:1997
Tamices y tamizado de ensayo. Parte 2: Telas metálicas, chapas perforadas y láminas electroformadas. Medidas nominales de las aberturas.
ASTM F1877 - 24
Standard Practice for Characterization of Particles
ASTM E2980 - 24
Standard Test Methods for Estimating Average Particle Size of Powders Using Air Permeability
ASTM D5444 - 24
Standard Test Method for Mechanical Size Analysis of Extracted Aggregate
ASTM D4438 - 24
Standard Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Catalysts and Catalyst Carriers by Electronic Counting
ASTM D8328 - 24
Standard Test Method for Dynamic Testing of Powders Using the Freeman Technology FT4 Powder Rheometer
ASTM D7891 - 24
Standard Test Method for Shear Testing of Powders Using the Freeman Technology FT4 Powder Rheometer Shear Cell
ASTM E11 - 24
Standard Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves
ASTM E1617 - 09(2024)
Standard Practice for Reporting Particle Size Characterization Data
ASTM E3427 - 24
Standard Guide for Measuring Intensity, Polydispersity, Size, Zeta Potential, Molecular Weight, and Concentration of Nanoparticles in Liquid Suspension Using Laser-Amplified Detection/Power Spectrum Analysis (LAD/PSA) Technology
ASTM E2589 - 23a
Standard Terminology Relating to Nonsieving Methods of Powder Characterization
ASTM D502 - 89(2023)
Standard Test Method for Particle Size of Soaps and Other Detergents
ASTM D5158 - 23
Standard Test Method for Determination of Particle Size of Fine Mesh and Powdered Activated Carbon by Air-Jet Sieving
ASTM B821 - 23
Standard Guide for Liquid Dispersion of Metal Powders and Related Compounds for Particle Size Analysis
ASTM D8200 - 22
Standard Practice for Creating a Correlation to Compare Particle Size Distribution Results of Proppants by Dynamic Imaging Analyzers and Sieves
ASTM E1638 - 22
Standard Terminology Relating to Sieves, Sieving Methods, and Screening Media
ASTM D4513 - 22
Standard Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Catalytic Materials by Sieving
ASTM D2977 - 22
Standard Practice for Particle Size Range of Peat Materials for Horticultural Purposes