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Normas IEEE americanas electrotécnicas - AENOR
IEEE PC37.20.7

IEEE PC37.20.7

2024-12-25 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
IEEE Approved Draft Recommended Practice for Testing Switchgear with Rated Voltages Up to 52 kV for Internal Arcing Faults

Revision Standard - Active - Draft. Procedures for testing and evaluating the performance of switchgear for internal arcing faults is covered. A method of identifying the capabilities of this equipment is given. Service conditions, installation, and application of equipment are also discussed. As used in this document, the term switchgear is used as a general term covering switching and interrupting devices and their combination with associated control, instrumentation, metering, protective and regulating devices, assemblies of those devices with associated interconnections, accessories, and supporting structures used primarily in conjunction with the generation, transmission, distribution, and conversion of electrical power.


accessibility, arc, arc-resistant, bus, compartment, IEEE PC37.20.7, internal arcing fault, medium-voltage controllers, metal-clad switchgear, metal-enclosed bus, metal-enclosed gas-insulated switchgear, metal-enclosed interrupter switchgear, metal-enclosed low-voltage power circuit breaker switchgear, metal-enclosed switchgear, motor control centers, over pressure, protection, switchboard

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