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Normas IEEE americanas electrotécnicas - AENOR
IEEE PC37.105

IEEE PC37.105

2024-12-25 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Qualifying Class 1E Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Revision Standard - Active - Draft. Basic principles, requirements, and methods for qualifying Class 1E protective relays and auxiliaries in nuclear power generating stations including digital and analog devices, but excluding devices located inside the primary containment, are covered.


aging, auxiliaries, Class 1E, margin, nuclear, power plants, qualifying, radiation, relays, seismic, tests, thermal

Relaciones con otras normas IEEE
Idioma Formato

Formato físico y digital

Nota: Precios sin IVA ni gastos de envío

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