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Normas IEEE americanas electrotécnicas - AENOR
IEEE P2818

IEEE P2818

2024-12-25 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Reliability Component Stress Analysis and Derating Specification

New IEEE Standard - Active - Draft. This document describes an open standard for parts stress analysis and derating. It establishes uniform methods to increase a component's reliability margin by decreasing the amount of applied stress (i.e., voltage, current, temperature, power, etc.) to an electronic, electrical, or electromechanical part. Reducing the stress levels improves device reliability/durability by reducing failure rates, thereby improving the reliability and availability of the product.


Reliability, Derating, Electrical Component Stress, Environmental Stress

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Formato físico y digital

Nota: Precios sin IVA ni gastos de envío

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