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Normas IEEE americanas electrotécnicas - AENOR
IEEE P2725.1

IEEE P2725.1

2025-02-10 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Microwave Structural, Vascular, or Functional Brain Imaging Device Safety

New IEEE Standard - Active - Draft. This standard specifies requirements and guidelines, for the design of radio frequency (RF) brain imaging systems, to help protect subjects/users/patients from adverse effects from overexposure to RF electromagnetic energy, and from other electrical, mechanical, chemical, and biological hazards. This standard is limited to brain imaging devices using a brain machine interface (BMI) that intentionally couples low-level RF electromagnetic energy, in the frequency range between 10 MHz and 20 GHz, into the human head using antennas or probes in direct 6 contact with, or close proximity to, the human head.


BMI, Brain Machine Interface, Brain Imager, Microwave, Microwave Imager Safety, RF Exposure, Electromagnetic Fields, Tissue Heating, SAR, Dosimetric Reference Limits, DRL,

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Formato físico y digital

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