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Normas IEC internacionales electrotécnicas - AENOR
IEC 61300-3-5:2000

IEC 61300-3-5:2000

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Basic test and measurement procedures - Part 3-5: Examinations and measurements - Wavelength dependence of attenuation

Dispositifs d'interconnexion et composants passifs à fibres optiques - Méthodes fondamentales d'essais et de mesures - Partie 3-5: Examens et mesures - Affaiblissement en fonction de la longueur d'onde

2000-11-28 /Anulada
Idiomas Disponibles:
Español, Inglés, Bilingüe
Resumen (inglés):
Aims at measuring the wavelength dependence of the attenuation of a single mode fibre optic device. Can also be used to measure the wavelength dependence of the coupling ratio.
Resumen (francés):
Aims at measuring the wavelength dependence of the attenuation of a single mode fibre optic device. Can also be used to measure the wavelength dependence of the coupling ratio.
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