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Normas IEC internacionales electrotécnicas - AENOR
IEC 60255-27:2023 CMV

IEC 60255-27:2023 CMV

Measuring relays and protection equipment - Part 27: Product safety requirements

2023-02-07 /Vigente
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Resumen (inglés):
IEC 60255-27:2023 CMV contains both the official standard and its commented version. The commented version provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between IEC 60255-27:2023 edition 3.0 and the previous IEC 60255-27:2013 edition 2.0. Furthermore, comments from IEC TC 95 experts are provided to explain the reasons of the most relevant changes, or to clarify any part of the content.

IEC 60255-27:2023 specifies the product safety requirements for measuring relays and protection equipment having a rated AC voltage up to 1 000 V, or a rated DC voltage up to 1 500 V. This document specifies essential safety requirements to minimize the risk of fire and hazards caused by electric shock or injury to the user and property. This document specifies only product safety requirements; functional performance of the equipment is not covered. This document covers all the ways in which the equipment can be mounted and used in cabinets, racks and panels. This document also applies to auxiliary devices such as shunts, series resistors, transformers, auxiliary control panels, display devices, etc., that are used in conjunction with measuring relays and protection equipment and are tested together.
Resumen (francés):
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