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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN EN 45553:2018-12

DIN EN 45553:2018-12

General method for the assessment of the ability to re-manufacture energy related products; German and English version prEN 45553:2018 / Note: Date of issue 2018-11-16

/ Attention: Date de parution 2018-11-16

Allgemeines Verfahren zur Bewertung der Aufarbeitbarkeit energieverbrauchsrelevanter Produkte; Deutsche und Englische Fassung prEN 45553:2018 / Achtung: Erscheinungsdatum 2018-11-16

Fecha Anulación:
2020-11 /Withdrawn
Idiomas Disponibles:
Equivalencias internacionales:

prEN 45553 (2018-11)

Relación con otras normas DIN:

Es reemplazada por: DIN EN 45553 (2020-11)

This European Standard (EN) will provide a general methodology for the assessment of the ability to re-manufacture energy related products.This EN will elaborate the assessment and process of re-manufacturability in a horizontal, cross-product way. However, a correct assessment can only be done in a product-specific way, taking into account specific parameters of a specific energy related product.
Abilities, Assessment, Criterion, Definitions, Electrical engineering, Electrical industry, Electronic engineering, Energy consumption, Energy related products, Environment, Environmental aspects, Environmental requirements, Environmental sustainability, Evaluations, Industrial products, Life cycle assessment, Materials, Methods, Pollution control, Production, Products, Reclamation, Recovering, Recovery, Recycled materials, Recycling, Remanufacturing, Retrofit, Reusability, Salvage, Serviceable life, Sustainability
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