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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN EN 17840:2024-03

DIN EN 17840:2024-03

Performance and condition assessment for buildings and civil engineering works - Framework for assessment within physical asset management; German version EN 17840:2023

Évaluation de la performance et de l'état des bâtiments et des ouvrages de génie civil - Cadre de l'évaluation dans le cadre de la gestion d'actifs physiques; Version allemande EN 17840:2023

Leistungs- und Zustandsbewertung für Immobilien und Anlagen - Bewertungsrahmen für das Anlagenmanagement; Deutsche Fassung EN 17840:2023

2024-03 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
Inglés, Alemán
Equivalencias internacionales:

EN 17840:2023

Relación con otras normas DIN:
This document specifies and gives guidance on the performance and condition assessment process of existing physical assets in the utilization stage (from commissioning to the end of life). This document relates to assessment of physical assets within the building and civil engineering sector; however, it can also be used in other sectors where applicable. This document specifies a generic framework for assessment, specification of requirements, the observation process and gathering of the required information in order to sustain informed asset management decision making. This document is an umbrella standard and refers to other standards for detailed methods. It does not replace any other standard, but is an addition to provide a system for the assessment work. NOTE 1 The references to other standards only relate to building and civil engineering works. There are no references for production machinery and equipment, offshore, electrical and mechanical assets, mobile assets and non-tangible assets. NOTE 2 In this document the physical assets will be referred to as assets, except in the Clause Terms and definitions.
Asset management, Buildings, Civil engineering, Construction operations, Definitions, Determinations, Evaluations, Management, Methods, Observation, Performance, Quality, Real estates, Specification (approval), Status, Value creation, Values, Weighting system
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