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DIN EN 17662:2021-06

DIN EN 17662:2021-06

Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Environmental Product Declarations - Product category rules complementary to EN 15804 for Steel, Iron and Aluminium structural products for use in construction works; German and English version prEN 17662:2021 / Note: Date of issue 2021-04-30

/ Attention: Date de parution 2021-04-30

Ausführung von Stahltragwerken und Aluminiumtragwerken - Umweltproduktdeklarationen - EN 15804 ergänzende Produktkategorieregeln für tragende Produkte aus Stahl, Aluminium und Metall für den Einsatz in Bauwerken; Deutsche und Englische Fassung prEN 17662:2021 / Achtung: Erscheinungsdatum 2021-04-30

2021-06 /Active
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Equivalencias internacionales:

prEN 17662 (2021-05)

This European standard provides product category rules (c-PCR), that are complementary to EN 15804, for Type III environmental declarations for steel components and aluminium components fabricated from steel or aluminium constituent products to be used for structural purposes in buildings and civil engineering works where their characteristic affects the mechanical resistance and stability of these construction works or parts thereof, where there does not exist a more specific specification for the product. This standard also provides guidance for other metal construction products where a specific PCR as EN standard does not exist.
Aluminium, Aluminium structures, Buildings, Categories, Construction, Construction works, Constructional products, Declarations, Definitions, Environmental product declarations, Environmental requirements, Environmental sustainability, Indicators, Life cycle assessment, Life cycles, Metals, Pollution control, Product information, Products, Recycling, Reuse, Steel structures, Steels, Structures, Sustainability
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