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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN EN 16908:2022-06

DIN EN 16908:2022-06

Cement and building lime - Environmental product declarations - Product category rules complementary to EN 15804; German version EN 16908:2017+A1:2022

Ciment et chaux de constructions - Déclaration environnementales sur les produits - Règles de catégorie de produits complémentaires de l'EN 15804; Version allemande EN 16908:2017+A1:2022

Zement und Baukalk - Umweltproduktdeklarationen - Produktkategorieregeln in Ergänzung zu EN 15804; Deutsche Fassung EN 16908:2017+A1:2022

2022-06 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
Inglés, Alemán
Equivalencias internacionales:

EN 16908+A1 (2022-03)

Relación con otras normas DIN:

Reemplaza a: DIN EN 16908:2017-05

Reemplaza a: DIN EN 16908/A1:2021-02

The general scope of the core product category rules (PCR) is given in EN 15804:2012+A2:2019, Clause 1.This PCR is primarily intended for the creation of cradle-to-gate EPDs of cement and building lime.In other respects, the scope is as in EN 15804:2012+A2:2019.
Binding agents, Building lime, Categories, Cements, Construction, Constructional products, Dangerous materials, Environment, Environmental product declarations, Environmental requirements, Information, Life cycle assessment, Products, Properties, Release
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Nota: Precios sin IVA ni gastos de envío

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