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DIN EN 16904:2024-04

DIN EN 16904:2024-04

Plastics piping systems - Environmental product declarations - Product Category rules complementary to EN 15804; German and English version prEN 16904:2024 / Note: Date of issue 2024-03-15

/ Attention: Date de parution 2024-03-15

Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssysteme innerhalb der Gebäudestruktur - Umweltproduktdeklarationen - Produktkategorieregeln entsprechend EN 15804; Deutsche und Englische Fassung prEN 16904:2024 / Achtung: Erscheinungsdatum 2024-03-15

2024-04 /Active
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Equivalencias internacionales:

prEN 16904 (2024-03)

Relación con otras normas DIN:

Reemplaza a: DIN EN 16904:2021-11

This European Standard provides Europe wide product category rules (PCR) for Type III environmental product declarations (EPD) for plastics piping systems intended for hot and cold pressure, cold pressure, and soil and waste non-pressure applications inside buildings.This European Standard specifies the rules for the product category of construction products as defined in and is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 15804.
Buildings, Categories, Construction, Constructional products, Definitions, Environmental effects, Environmental product declarations, Environmental requirements, Environmental sustainability, Information, Internal, Life cycle assessment, Life cycles, Parameters, Pipelines, Pipes, Piping system, Plastic pipes, Plastics, Pollution control, Product category rules, Product information, Product specification, Products, Sustainability
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