Access, Automated guided, Brakes, Commissioning, Composition of the ground, Control elements, Control systems, Control technology, Definitions, Drawbars, Driverless, Drivers, Electric contacts, Electrical safety, Elevating-platform trucks, Emergency, Emergency shutdown, Emergency-off, Energy supply systems (buildings), Fixed-platform trucks, Handling, Handlings, Hazards, Industrial trucks, Information, Instructions for use, Layout, Limitations, Loading, Machines, Maintenance, Marking, Materials handling, Means of transport, Mechanical crimping, Mechanical hazards, Operation, Operators, Prevention of pollution, Protection against electric shocks, Protection devices, Safety, Safety appliances for machines, Safety requirements, Self-commutation, Signs, Specification (approval), Stability, Steering gear, Systems, Testing, Trailers, Transportation systems, Usage, Velocity, Visibility, Warning devices, Warnings