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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN 33881-2:2017-09

DIN 33881-2:2017-09

Measurement by means of detector tubes - Part 2: Terminology

Mesurage à l'aide des tubes détecteurs - Partie 2: Vocabulaire

Messen mit Prüfröhrchen - Teil 2: Begriffe

2017-09 /Active
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Relación con otras normas DIN:

Reemplaza a: DIN 33881-2 (2006-02)

Reemplaza a: DIN 33881-2 (2017-03)

This document specifies trilingually terms and defintions for detector tubes, detector tube pumps as well as for accessories to detector tube measuring systems and is applicable for measuring methods and detector tube measuring systems according to part 1 of that series of Standards. The aim of the revision of the existing edition is to align the specified terminology, where necessary, to DIN EN ISO 17621.
Accessories, Air pollution, Air purification, Definitions, Detector tubes, Measurement, Measuring equipment, Measuring instruments, Measuring techniques, Pollution control, Safety engineering, Sampling methods, Terminology, Terminology standard
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