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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN 33881-1:2009-02

DIN 33881-1:2009-02

Measurement by means of detector tubes - Part 1: Classification

Mesurage à l'aide de tubes réactifs - Partie 1: Classification

Messen mit Prüfröhrchen - Teil 1: Einteilung

2009-02 /Active
Idiomas Disponibles:
Relación con otras normas DIN:

Reemplaza a: DIN 33881-1 (1987-05)

Reemplaza a: DIN 33881-1 (2007-11)

The standard specifies a classification of measuring methods in which detector tubes are made use of, no matter how the gas sample is passing through the detector tubes, by active or passive sampling. Measurement of air pollution or of constituents of air are attributed to the term "air quality", where as measurements of gas mixtures with other main constituents than air are attributed to the term "manufactured gas". The term "detector tube" is used in the general sense.
Air, Air pollution, Air purification, Air quality, Classification, Classification systems, Detector tubes, Emission, Inhaled air, Measurement, Measuring instruments, Measuring techniques, Pollution control, Tubular shape, Zones of reach
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