The standards of the complete work " State of the Railway Vehicles" contained technical specifications for safety-relevant and monitoring-requiring systems and components of railway vehicles of the standard gauge (standard gauge vehicles according to DIN 25003). This standard applies to measurements on railroad vehicles and their components and serves to demonstrate compliance with metrological product specifications. For measurements which are to be carried out according to the specifications in the legally regulated area, the respective applicable laws apply in their current version, e. g. calibration law. The standards of the complete work "State of Railway Vehicles" define the limit condition for the safe operation of railroad vehicles of the standard gauge and their components. They are to be applied if the vehicles are operated on a public railroad infrastructure. The minimum requirements for the processes to maintain the target condition of the railroad vehicles, as shown in the standards, are also to be applied. In addition, the standards shall also be applied to new design where design provisions are to be made to meet the operating limit criteria. NOTE 1 Design for maintenance-friendly verification of operating limit dimensions shall be considered. NOTE 2 The applicability of the standards of the complete work to railroad vehicles of other gauges and their components shall be checked on a case-by-case basis.
Basis, Calibration, Definitions, Environmental condition, Instructions, Locomotives, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Measurement, Measuring, Measuring means, Operational safety, Personnel, Product specifications, Production engineering, Qualifications, Railcars, Railway applications, Railway vehicles, Railways, Repair, Specification (approval), Status, Suitability, Testing, Testing devices, Usage, Verification