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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN 19639:2019-09

DIN 19639:2019-09

Soil protection during planning and execution of construction projects

Protection des sols lors de la planification et de la mise en oeuvre des projets de construction

Bodenschutz bei Planung und Durchführung von Bauvorhaben

2019-09 /Active
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Relación con otras normas DIN:

Reemplaza a: DIN 19639:2018-05

This document provides guidance on soil protection during construction and, in its application, aims to minimize the loss of legally protected natural soil functions in the context of construction measures, provided that significant interventions are involved. It details the legal requirements for the prevention of harmful soil modifications during construction measures. This document applies to projects involving the utilization of soils and soil materials during the construction period, which are to fulfil natural soil functions again after completion of construction, e. g. soils under forestry, agricultural or horticultural use or under green areas and house and allotment gardens, in particular in the case of the utilization of soils with high functional fulfillment or particularly sensitive soils or in the case of a intervention area greater than 5,000 m2. This document does not apply to earthworks for civil engineering purposes such as in particular dams, dikes, landscaping works or other technical structures or special construction areas as well as to very small construction sites such as the construction of house connections, measures for fault rectification or in the case of exclusive involvement of soils below sealed areas. This standard is addressed to planners, project sponsors, approval authorities, building contractors and soil science construction supervisors.
Building projects, Composition of the ground, Construction, Construction measures, Data, Definitions, Design, Disability, Evaluations, Ground areas, Instructions, Planning, Project planning, Property of soil, Protective measures, Recultivation, Redevelopments, Sampling methods, Soil analysis, Soil conservation, Soil cultivation, Soil decomposition, Soil science, Soil working, Soils, Subsoil, Top soil, Zones vertes
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