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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN 18040-3:2014-12

DIN 18040-3:2014-12

Construction of accessible buildings - Design principles - Part 3: Public circulation areas and open spaces / Note: To be replaced by DIN 18040-3 (2023-01), DIN EN 17210 (2019-06, t).

Construction de bâtiments accessibles - Principes de planification - Partie 3: Zones de circulation et aires publiques / Attention: À remplacer par DIN 18040-3 (2023-01), DIN EN 17210 (2019-06, t).

Barrierefreies Bauen - Planungsgrundlagen - Teil 3: Öffentlicher Verkehrs- und Freiraum / Achtung: Vorgesehener Ersatz durch DIN 18040-3 (2023-01), DIN EN 17210 (2019-06, t).

2014-12 /Active
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Relación con otras normas DIN:

Reemplaza a: DIN 18024-1:1998-01

Reemplaza a: DIN 18040-3:2013-05

This standard applies to the design and execution of accessible transport and outdoor facilities in public areas serving both transport and leisure purposes. It contains both general and specific requirements for the design of accessible transport and outdoor facilities. It also gives guidance for the design of accessible outdoor facilities that are not open to the public. The requirements of the standard apply wherever buildings and other structures are required to be accessible by legislation or owing to private contracts. The standard applies to new buildings and, by extension, to converted or refurbished buildings, to changes in occupancy and to redesigning existing areas in streets and other public areas. The requirements of this standard may also be met by means other than those specified therein. Additional or other requirements may be necessary for construction projects for specific groups of users. Unless otherwise specified, the dimensions in the standard are all finished dimensions. They are subject to DIN standards for tolerances in construction and other relevant fields.
Access, Accessibility, Accessible, Adapted designing for disabled persons, Alarm systems, Anti-slip, Buildings, Children, Construction, Construction measures, Construction of accessible buildings, Constructions, Controls, Definitions, Design principles, Dimensioning, Dimensions, Disabled people, Electrical equipment, Equipment, Ergonomics, Finishes, Floor place requirements, Footways, Gardens, Graphic symbols, Guidance systems, Handicapped people, Handicapped persons, Handling, Hoists, Information systems, Invalid chair users, Legibility, Leisure, Lighting systems, Manipulating devices, Marking, Marking of roads, Meeting the requirements of wheel-chair users, Mobility, Movement areas, New constructions, Obstacles, Old people, Orientation, Outdoor-type plant, Parking spaces, Pedestrian crossings, Pedestrians, People, Planning, Playgrounds, Ramps, Road construction, Roads, Sanitary facilities, Sensory analysis, Seriously disabled persons, Slipping security, Space requirement, Specification (approval), Sports facilities, Stairs, Stops, Structural works, Suitable for handicapped persons, Tactile, Technical installations, Traffic areas, Transport facilities (construction works), Wheel chair users
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