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Normas DIN – AENOR
DIN 18040-1:2010-10

DIN 18040-1:2010-10

Construction of accessible buildings - Design principles - Part 1: Publicly accessible buildings / Note: To be replaced by DIN 18040-1 (2023-02), DIN EN 17210 (2019-06, t).

Construction de bâtiments accessibles - Principes de planification - Partie 1: Bâtiments publics accessibles / Attention: À remplacer par DIN 18040-1 (2023-02), DIN EN 17210 (2019-06, t).

Barrierefreies Bauen - Planungsgrundlagen - Teil 1: Öffentlich zugängliche Gebäude / Achtung: Vorgesehener Ersatz durch DIN 18040-1 (2023-02), DIN EN 17210 (2019-06, t).

2010-10 /Active
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Relación con otras normas DIN:

Reemplaza a: DIN 18024-2:1996-11

Reemplaza a: DIN 18040-1:2009-02

The standard describes the technical conditions that must be in place so that buildings and other works are accessible to persons with disabilities. The requirements stated in this standard aim to ensure that buildings and other works are designed in such a way that everyone is able to use them without assistance. This part of the series of standards deals with the disabled-accessible design and construction of buildings and their facilities that are intended for use by the public as well as of any outside areas belonging to those buildings. Buildings to which the public has access include, in particular, cultural and educational establishments, sports and leisure centres, hospitals and health centres (including doctor's and dentist's surgeries), office buildings, administrative and court buildings, shops and restaurants, car parks, garages and toilets (cf. section 50(2) of the Model Building Code). In contrast to DIN 18024-2, workplaces are no longer dealt with in this standard. Sensory requirements have been included. Furthermore, the content has been thoroughly revised and restructured. Generally speaking, individual clauses initially state the objectives that buildings and facilities have to meet to be considered disabled-accessible and then go on to show how those objectives can be achieved, differentiated according to the various needs of different groups of people, where appropriate.
Access, Accessibility, Accessible, Adapted designing for disabled persons, Alarm systems, Anti-slip, Assembly room, Bars (refreshment facilities), Buildings, Changing facilities, Children, Construction, Construction measures, Construction of accessible buildings, Constructions, Controls, Definitions, Design principles, Dimensioning, Dimensions, Disabled people, Display cabinets, Electrical equipment, Equipment, Ergonomics, Finishes, Flats, Floor coverings, Footways, Gardens, Graphic symbols, Guidance systems, Handicapped people, Handicapped persons, Handling, Hoists, Housing, Information systems, Invalid chair users, Leisure, Lighting systems, Lodging services, Manipulating devices, Marking, Marking of roads, Meeting the requirements of wheel-chair users, Mobility, Motor vehicles, Movement areas, New constructions, Obstacles, Old people, Orientation, Outdoor-type plant, Parking areas, Parking spaces, Passenger hoists, Pedestrian crossings, Pedestrians, People, Planning, Playgrounds, Private cars, Public buildings, Ramps, Road construction, Roads, Sales counters, Sanitary facilities, Sensory analysis, Seriously disabled persons, Slipping security, Specification (approval), Sports facilities, Stairs, Stops, Structural works, Suitable for handicapped persons, Surfaces, Swimming pools, Tactile, Technical installations, Transport facilities (construction works), Vibration, Wheel chair users
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