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Normas BSI – AENOR
20/30403620 DC

20/30403620 DC

BS EN 1493. Vehicle lifts

2020-08-13 /Definitive
Idiomas Disponibles:
Equivalencias internacionales:

prEN 1493

Relación con otras normas BSI:

This document applies to stationary, mobile and movable vehicle lifts, which are not intended to lift persons but which are designed to raise vehicles totally, for the purpose of examining and working on or under the vehicles whilst in a raised position. The vehicle lift may consist of one or more lifting-units.

Power supply to the vehicle lift by internal combustion engines is not considered.

The floor or ground supporting the vehicle lift in use is assumed to be horizontal.

This document does not exclude a person to enter in a lifted vehicle on wheel supporting lifts, e.g. for special works or for periodical technical inspection, and vehicle lifts for rail-bound vehicles.

This document does not contain requirements for hazards which may arise on vehicle lifts where the carrying device can be tilted.

This document is not valid for equipment for power driven parking of motor vehicles (see EN 14010). This document is applicable to vehicle lifts which are manufactured six month after the date of its publication as EN.

Verification, Wire ropes, Brakes, Safety measures, Clearances, Loading, Mechanical transmission systems, Factor of safety, Safety devices, Technical documents, Hoists, Hazards, Instructions for use, Goods lifts, Control devices, Chain drives, Electrical equipment, Wind loading, Goods hoists, Control switches, Structural design, Locking and locating devices, Mobile, Design, Ropes, Scissor lifts, Stability, Stress analysis, Breaking load, Performance testing, Vehicles, Lifts, Lifting equipment, Materials handling components, Lifting chains, Hydraulic transmission systems, Structural steels, Equipment safety, Stationary, Flexible drives, Gear drives, Leak tests, Pneumatic transmission systems, Position, Design calculations, Mathematical calculations, Road vehicles, Safety requirements, Logical operations, Electrical testing, Name plates, Mobile lifting platforms
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