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20/30349199 DC

20/30349199 DC

BS ISO 21851. Marine technology. Ocean observation system. Design criteria of ocean hydrology-meteorological observation system reuse and interaction

2020-01-27 /Definitive
Idiomas Disponibles:
Equivalencias internacionales:

ISO/DIS 21851


This standard defines the overall framework of the ocean hydrology-meteorological observation system. This standard standardizes the system function composition, data structure type, data transmission format and protocol, as well as the input and output interface. The system supports automatic measurement of buoys, submersibles, shore station instruments, etc., with output interfaces, and provides observations on water temperature, salinity, depth, current, ocean wave, temperature, pressure, humidity, wind, visibility, precipitation, etc. The ability to receive, store, display, process, and analyze data. This standard is developed for both observing system developers and ocean observers.

Oceans, Design, Hydrology, Observatories (meteorology), Meteorology
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Formato digital

Nota: Precios sin IVA ni gastos de envío

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