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19/30365515 DC

19/30365515 DC

BS EN ISO 6647-2. Rice. Determination of amylose content. Part 2. Routine method: Spectrophotometric routine method without defatting procedure and with calibration from rice standards

2019-10-28 /Definitive
Idiomas Disponibles:

This Annex specifies two simplified routine methods for the determination of the amylose mass fraction of milled rice, non-parboiled. The main difference between the two methods is the dispersion procedure: method A specifies hot, and method B cold, dispersion.

Both methods are applicable to rice with an amylose mass fraction higher than 5 %.


These methods describe simplified procedures for the preparation of samples, which are frequently used in routine laboratories. The methods use the same reagents as the reference method (see ISO 6647-1), but omit the defatting step. Rice samples of which the amylose mass fraction has been determined by the reference method are used as standards.

Starches, Determination of content, Rice, Spectrophotometry, Cereal food products, Chemical analysis and testing, Specimen preparation, Food testing, Cereals
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